

地 址:浙江省嵊州市三界镇华发路16号
电 话:0575-83359888
传 真:0575-83359888
邮 箱:wftea@wafatea.com


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  浙江华发茶业有限公司创办于1994年,是农业产业化国家重点龙头企业、全国农业产业化优秀农业龙头企业、全国农产品加工出口业示范企业,通过ISO9000、ISO14001、ISO22000、SC 、有机产品等认证;公司注册资本1个亿,总资产3.66亿元,年加工出口绿茶2.6万吨,销售3.61亿元,下属分厂6家,拥有浙江省出口茶叶科技创新服务中心、浙江华发农业科技研发中心,联结基地16.2万亩,联结农户8万户,联结茶机厂、加工企业、贩销大户100多家,集科研开发、技术推广、生产加工、国际贸易为一体的大型绿茶生产加工出口企业。 公司拥有“皇帝”、“华发”等十多个注册商标和珠茶、眉茶、龙井茶、乌龙茶、辉白茶、蒸青茶等六大类系列产品,“皇帝”牌产品和商标先后被评为“浙江名牌农产品”、“浙江省出口名牌”“浙江省著名商标”。
Zhejiang Wafa Tea Co., Ltd., established in 1994, is the state-level outstanding   &  eading enterprise in industrialization of agriculture. It obtains the authenticates of ISO9000、ISO14001、ISO22000、SC、 ORGANIC  PRODUCTS  and  so on.  Its registered capital amounts to USD12.5million and the gross asset reaches  USD 45.75million. The Green Tea annual produce is 22,000 tons  which makes  the  sales  figures up to USD45.125million.Wafa Tea, which has 6 subordinate factories,  links 80,000  peasant  household  and more than 100 factories of tea machine、processing  enterprises  and is a large enterprise of processing and exporting Green Tea combining Scientific research and exploit、technology popularization、produce and processing and international trade. Wafa Tea holds more than ten registered brands (“EMPEROR”、"WAFA" and so on) and six series of products  (Gunpowder、 Chunmee、 Oolong tea、Huibai tea and sencha. The“EMPEROR” is awarded “ Zhejiang Famous Product”and“Zhejiang Famous Brand “in succession.